班章普洱 ‧ 皇
班章普洱 ‧ 皇
商 品 描 述
商 品 描 述
品 鑑 筆 記
品 鑑 筆 記
// 蘭香、花蜜、苦味 //
商 品 來 源
商 品 來 源
商 品 成 份
商 品 成 份
茶 葉 功 效
茶 葉 功 效
沖 泡 指 南
沖 泡 指 南
馬克杯: 5克 | 100°C (250毫升) | 1分鐘 | 潤茶1次
功夫茶:使用120毫升的蓋碗或紫砂壺投茶8克(可依口味進行增減),以100℃熱水沖泡。 第一泡為溫潤泡,即醒茶,讓茶葉微微舒展,不飲用,注水後5-10秒內倒掉。隨後5泡建議即沖即出,第六泡開始可依茶湯滋味適當延長出湯時間。可重複沖泡10次以上。
Drinking this Pu-erh is an adventure. It starts with a bold bitterness, quickly transforming into a rich honey sweetness that lingers pleasantly in the mouth.
This Pu-erh's ability to be brewed multiple times without losing its distinctive flavor is remarkable. Each cup is as delightful as the last, making it a tea lover's dream.
I gifted a cake of Ban Zhang Pu-erh to a fellow tea enthusiast, and they were astounded by its depth and the pronounced sweetness that follows its initial bitterness.
The wilderness essence of this tea is palpable. It's robust, yet harmoniously balanced, offering a profound connection to the natural world with every cup.
The clear, luminous liquor of Ban Zhang Pu-erh is a joy to behold. Its balanced bitterness and sweet aftertaste leave a lasting impression, both refreshing and satisfying.