凹富後單叢 ‧ 皇
凹富後單叢 ‧ 皇
商 品 描 述
商 品 描 述
凹富後的茶型條索緊結纖秀,赤褐色;沖泡時香氣清高,黃梔子花香中又帶有奶香。另外, 這種茶的茶性急,採摘期非常短,而且稍不注意茶便會老去,因此產量稀少,價格較高。
品 鑑 筆 記
品 鑑 筆 記
// 梔子花、奶香、 甘蔗 //
商 品 來 源
商 品 來 源
商 品 成 份
商 品 成 份
茶 葉 功 效
茶 葉 功 效
沖 泡 指 南
沖 泡 指 南
馬克杯:5-8克|100°C (250毫升)|1-2 分鐘|潤茶1次
功夫茶:120毫升蓋碗或紫砂壺投茶8克(可依口味進行增減),以100℃熱水沖泡。 第一泡為溫潤泡,即醒茶,讓茶葉微微舒展,不飲用,注水後2-3秒內倒掉,隨後的幾泡浸泡時間建議不要超過3-5秒。 沖泡到中後段時,可依茶湯滋味適當延長出湯時間,但注意避免久泡,否則容易苦澀。
This tea's gentle milky finish is what sets it apart for me. It’s smooth on the palate and very refreshing.
The health benefits of Ao Fu Hou are noticeable. It’s helped with my digestion and feels very soothing. Plus, the anti-aging effects are a welcome bonus!
Premier Ao Fu Hou is a symphony of flavors! The gardenia and sugarcane notes blend perfectly with a subtle milky finish. It’s truly a luxurious tea experience.
I’ve tried many teas from the Phoenix Mountain range, but the Ao Fu Hou is exceptional. Its sweetness and floral depth are unmatched.
Giving Premier Ao Fu Hou as a gift has made me quite popular among my friends! They all love the unique taste and the beautiful aroma of the tea.