杏仁香单丛 (锯朵仔) ‧ 皇
杏仁香单丛 (锯朵仔) ‧ 皇
商 品 描 述
商 品 描 述
品 鉴 笔 记
品 鉴 笔 记
// 杏仁、奶香、花香、焦糖 //
茶 叶 产 地
茶 叶 产 地
商 品 成 份
商 品 成 份
茶 叶 功 效
茶 叶 功 效
冲 泡 指 南
冲 泡 指 南
马克杯:5-8g|100°C (250毫升)|1-2 分钟|润茶1次
功夫茶:120ml盖碗或紫砂壶投茶8克(可依口味进行增减),以100℃热水冲泡。 第一泡为温润泡,即醒茶,让茶叶微微舒展,不饮用,注水后2-3秒内倒掉,随后的几泡浸泡时间建议不要超过3-5秒。 冲泡到中后段时,可依茶汤滋味适当延长出汤时间,但注意避免久泡,否则容易苦涩。
Premier Almond Aroma Oolong is unlike any tea I've tried before. The almond notes are subtle yet distinct, blending beautifully with hints of caramel and floral undertones. It’s a delightful experience in every sip.
The Almond Aroma is wonderfully soothing and refreshing. It’s perfect for relaxing after a long day. The health benefits are a great bonus, too!
I've brewed it multiple times, and it’s impressive how resilient the Almond Aroma is. The flavor stays robust and delightful through many infusions.
This tea is a real treat! The golden-yellow liquor is bright and inviting, and the aroma of almonds mixed with milky sweetness makes for a luxurious drinking experience.
Gifting this tea was a huge success. Everyone loved the delicate almond flavor and the luxurious aroma. It’s definitely a crowd-pleaser.