The Past and Present of Phoenix Tea

The Past and Present of Phoenix Tea

Phoenix tea, originating from Fenghuang Town in Guangdong, is named after the Phoenix Mountain Range. Belonging to the category of Oolong tea among the six major tea types, it stands as the representative tea variety of Guangdong Oolong. Renowned as the "perfume of tea," Phoenix tea is praised for its rich aroma and sweet taste.

The legend of Phoenix tea's origin can be traced back to the era of Emperor Gaoxin. It is said that Panhu, the ancestor of the She people, was originally the twin brother of the sea dragon king, Qinglong. Longing for life on Earth, he reincarnated as a dragon dog and later became a husband to a princess due to his meritorious service in quelling wars. After marriage, he brought the princess to Phoenix Mountain, where he established his own family and became the ancestor of the She people. Qinglong's younger brother, Wulong, learned about his brother's whereabouts and came to Phoenix Mountain to find him. On the way, Wulong witnessed Qinglong chasing an old goat. To play a prank, Wulong transformed into an old vine lying on the road. However, Qinglong was entirely focused on chasing the goat and, unfortunately, tripped over the vine, falling from a cliff and tragically losing his life. Afterward, Wulong, overcome with grief, sought redemption for his mistake. He pleaded with the Jade Emperor to allow him to transform into a tea tree to serve Qinglong's descendants. The Jade Emperor granted his request, saying, "You are not an ordinary being. After transforming into a tea tree, I will let you enjoy great renown and name you Oolong tea." Additionally, he endowed this tea tree with special qualities and aroma, allowing it to bring benefits to the region. Thus, a deep connection was formed between the She people and the Oolong tea tree, flourishing together. During the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties, wherever the She people resided, they would plant Oolong tea trees.

There is also a legend from the late Southern Song Dynasty when Emperor Zhao Bing fled to Fujian and Guangdong. Passing through Wudong Mountain, he was extremely thirsty, and the local people offered him red robe tea soup. After drinking, his thirst was relieved, and he regained vitality. He named it "Song tea," later known as "Song Variety." Locals also passed down the story that "Phoenix birds, upon hearing of Emperor Zhao's thirst, offered tea twigs in their beaks," hence the name "Bird Beak Tea" for Phoenix tea.

After centuries of development, in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, Phoenix tea farmers, to improve the quality of tea leaves, observed and identified superior individual tea trees. These trees were then isolated, cultivated, given a special name, and subjected to methods such as single-tree picking, single-tree tea making, single-tree storage, and single-tree sales, thus named "Phoenix Single Bush Tea."

In 2014, Phoenix Single Bush Tea was recognized as the second batch of China's important agricultural cultural heritage under the tea culture system. In 2020, Phoenix Single Bush Tea was included in the first batch of protected lists for Central European geographical indications. In 2022, the main venue for International Tea Day was selected in Chaozhou City, the hometown of Chinese tea, further promoting the international dissemination and promotion of Phoenix Single Bush Tea. In 2023, during an informal meeting between the heads of China and France in Guangzhou, Phoenix Single Bush Tea was selected as one of the ceremonial teas to welcome French President Macron, reflecting society's recognition of Phoenix Single Bush Tea.

From ancient legends to its prominent presence on the international stage today, the story of Phoenix tea continues, passing down this beautiful tradition to future generations, becoming a pride of Chinese tea culture.
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